
Tuesday 2 July 2013

No rest for the thirsted


   just a few lines about stuff that hasn't happened yet.

The completion of the long awaited refurbishment of the Closed Shop  - hasn't happened yet. It has, however, begun in earnest, which is near Commonside, and expects to continue for a bit, during all of which hiatus the pub will remain closed. According to Mr Stephens, the plan is to reopen on the 25th July, which is a Thursday. You can get updates on progress on their Twitter and Friendache accounts, I understand.

Next up in the future is the Monkeyfest (7) at  Armitage Bridge, um, "club" near Huddersfield. Alas I haven't made it to this popular beer festival destination before and can't get this year but I'm assured by regular attendees that its rather good. Since I clearly have no idea where it is or when (it's this coming weekend for certain but that's all I know) here is a link to a blogpost about it.

Meanwhile, the Sunfest 2013 at the Rising Sun Nether Green, also hasn't happened yet - but it will, starting on Thursday 11th July and running until Sunday 14th. The nice folks at the pub have even published a beer list on their website, plus meaningless details like "when they open" and "food". You can find this informative link here .

Another event that you won't need to travel back in time to attend (unless its very late on the 21st July or thereafter) is the Tramlines. You may remember the Tramlines from last year when there was oodles of free music and pubs you couldn't get served in. This year will be exactly the same but not as free. Here is another link. It confirms the dates as Friday 19th to Sunday the 21st July as well.

Finally, by far the most spectacular event will be the beer festival at the Star Inn, Folly hall, Huddersfield starting on Wednesday 17th July. I mentioned it on here last year and then promptly didn't attend - not only that, but a paucity of visits to the textile and agro-chemical capital of West Yorkshire means I actually have never made it to the Star. This year all that will change and I'll jolly well be there. Not that this should detract from your willingness to attend. Possibly.

I have included a link to the website if you wish to sample the flavour of life in the pub in September 2009 but for more up to date info see Facefriend or Twitter. Alternatively, Ale Ambler and Will at the "A Swift One" blog nearly always seem to get hold of the list and post details on their blog (see earlier link).

So, another anhydrous month should be avoided, another year off my life should be achieved, but am sure all of the above events are likely to be worth a visit, even if the price you pay is considerably lower than expediting your demise...


Wee Beefy


  1. Hopefully no other pubs will be closing for a refurb anytime soon. I dont want to upset anyone else! Sorry by the way

    1. Its fairly ironic that you have commented on my blog... but no need to apologise. Especially since my most recent post is partially about said night, prior to my reading this....

  2. Cheers for shout out. It's an incredible rich month for ale this month in South & West Yorks. Didn't realise Rising Sun was weekend after Monkeyfest. And Tramlines is same weekend as mighty Star fest. Northern Trains & First buses might do well out of me in July!

    1. Its going to be hard work no doubt. But am wiling to try...

  3. Forgot to add it's my colleague Timbo who is our ace correspondent down at The Star. He pulls an exceptional pint & is a master at quality control.
