
Wednesday 3 July 2013

Circular pub crawl and a Sunday send off.

Now then,

      Thursday saw me heading out after a brain squeezingly complex day of work to unwind with an ale. Shock. I could have gone home and tucked into one of many rather fab beers left from the barbecue but I decided a bit of company, potentially at least, might suit me better, even if I couldn't influence the music choice. Having started my crawl from work I strode off to DAda first before heading virtually all the way back to finish. Not at work, but at a pub nearby, obviously....

My choice of DAda was to exercise the demons that had made me so unable to deal with the beer choice  on the Tuesday. I hoped they'd have Melba on, but there was no guarantees. On arriving there was a "do" on, the very worst kind where people wear suits that make them deaf (why is this? How come the wearing of straight lines and feint check makes you incapable f getting the f*ck out of the way when someone is trying to extricate themselves from your brogue-ish umbrella wielding mass?). There were three beers on, and this time I strengthened my resolve to tolerate the Hopton, which actually wasn't bad at all. Still humph though.

Across the road is my new girlfriend the Dog and Partridge, since I have no sense of loyalty. Once again an excellent range was on and I was able to get in the snug to enjoy reading a paper (Jesus! How old am I?) and supping beer. This time I had a pint of the excellent Abbeydale Cosmology, and a half of their latest Dr Morton's offering, this time a stout.

The snug is interesting because although it didn't escape the modernizing brush, to be fair its not that bad. No amount of "improvement" can, ahem, improve upon the original, but the wood carved graffiti on the dark varnished wood and basic fireplace still divert your attention, and it remains a great place to drink - and get served. Sensibly, no-one tampered with the hatch. I had another half of the stout to celebrate.

Next I went for a wander up West Street to the Bath Hotel. A rather smashing range on here - including Melba, which I had a pint of. Alas, I am doomed to have the end of every barrel of it as it was the last one out. Gah! What must I do to see it clear? Not even the Man of Ash could help, although rumours of a Saturday cask at the Hallamshire House were mooted.

I nipped briefly in Harrisons 1854 next. I'd be lying if I said I though it was the same as when my good friend Barraharri was behind the bar but having gone in regularly for nearly 2 years its not like I don't still like the place. I had a wry smile as the first beer I asked for, Farmers Yorkshire Farmer, was off, but it was replaced with acceptable Blonde and I caught up briefly with new Dave who might have been called Toby (sorry might have been called Toby chap). Nice to get back in the old haunt, lets hope I can do so again soon.

A very quick visit to the Red Deer followed, just because I've not been for a while, and I enjoyed a decent half of Dukeries Porter, before heading down past Fagan's and cutting through alleyways and deserted streets in what used to be the Red Hill and Crofts area (I swallowed a Sheffield history website, yes) down to Shakespeares.

Here further delights were to be found and I opted for a pint of the Revolutions Demo #7, before being joined at the bar by Brewer Rich from Blue Bee. A couple of halves of their summer refresher Light Blue followed, and given the late hour, it was probably best I finished on something quaffable but not too strong.

A final bit of news regards the prefurn do at the Closed Shop. The last session before refurbishment was like a night of the stars in the world of Sheffield pubs and beer drinkers, with cameo's and starring roles from Mr Stephens, Katedave, Kat, Kate, Katy(ie), Dansome, Father o Matic, Baker, Jepson, Bad panda, The Man of Ash and Williams among too many to list. Beers supped were well, not really recorded, but I'm sure I drank Blue Bee Listin to Port before it ran out, then possibly migrated to Easy Rider and then Caledonian Fying Scotsman before everything got a bit confusing.

I even joined in the quiz...

The bar staff, Paultous, Katedave and the unflappable Chris worked hard to make it an enjoyable evening, and despite us all downloading a rather unfortunate app called "Angry Daves" (instructions below*) it was a really enjoyable and slightly raucous night. I shall miss the Shop very much over the next few weeks, but likely appreciate it all the more when it reopens.

Wee Beefy

*Playing Angry Daves is simple. No download is necessary. Merely fill up the Dave with beer (preferably cask), propose an idea contrary to his..sorry, any idea, and await the outburst! Literally minutes of fun. And achieved using a set of instructions that, disappointingly, he'll never read....

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