
Monday 29 June 2020

Pomona Island Brew Co


     a few years ago I first tasted some Pomona Island on cask from the past. I had never heard of them before and didn't know where they came from apart from "somewhere near Manchester" as an informant told me. I noticed that my friend Martin who runs the Grocers Micropub in Cadishead in Salford was starting to have their beers on regularly, and he confirmed that, as am sure I would know if lived in Salford, this was where they were from - am fairly confident that Pomona Island is an area of Salford, and everything.....

Doing a modicum of checks before today's espousal I found not only their website here - about cans.... but also that they were originally set up by two chaps called Nick and Ryan, whom started the excellent Gas Lamp bar just over the river in Manchester, along with Gaz from Marble and James from Tempest Brewery. Since I have always liked Marble and Tempest output, and also the Gas Lamp bar, its perhaps unsurprising that I found that I liked their beers. But I have to pay tribute to the excellent balance and quality of their brews.

Today am on a can of their My Toe Hurts Betty, a 5.6% starter Pale ale double dry hopped with Cyro Mosaic, Bru-1 and Amarillo. Regular readers aware of my quite worrying level of hopsession may assume this is a hop fest of overwhelming bitterness, but as I said, their beers are so balanced that this isn't the case. The beer is gloriously orangey, fruity, bitter, hoppy, and oaty. And reflecting another regular feature - it is also very easy to sup.

Earlier in the month I also tried a can of their TIPA at 10% called An Overwhelming Surplus of Diggity. Am always a little concerned that I may be underwhelmed by a TIPA since the extra hops and alcohol may create an unwanted sweetness that overrides, but although there was sweet fruitiness in the flavour the brew was once again balanced for that kind of strength, and wonderfully palatable.

They continue to produce beers in both cask and keg and also occasionally in bottles and regularly in the future of beers which is in can. I often like to start my sessions in Shakespeares on a pint of cask Pomona if its on, especially their delectable APA or indeed anything they have thus far produced. They have a core range of five casks (details also available on their website) but am certain their overall range is extended in all formats - usefully their website states that many listed beers are one offs and not always produced but which may be produced again. Last night I enjoyed their Style Control Damage Aggression which was a delicious 6.5% IPA which finished my night's supping off perfectly. And one of the many advantages of buying beer from four or more different suppliers is that its often possible to go back to beers that I have really enjoyed.

Thus far that description applies to everything I have tried by Pomona island Brew Co. Long may their excellence continue.

Your very best of health


Wee Beefy

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